This is an AICE media studies A level project consisting of two film trailers, a poster and a website.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Today I have done even more. I have finished the first trailer for the film and I think its pretty great. When editing I realized that my narration didn't sound very good because I was going for a British accent but it sounded like a weird mix of Scottish, British, American and Australian. So I went on to google and typed in ROBOT VOICE. Now the narrator is a Steven Hawking style robot. I did this stylistically because I thought it would be funny if the narrator was a monotone robot who said things that sounded angry but its voice didn't express that. Also I want the first trailer to leave questions with viewers so the look into the movie more, and I think that the robot voice will add to those questions.
I am very close to finishing the poster. I just need to take one more picture for the center of it. I also started the film website and I think that its going pretty good, at least I think it looks good. I looked at websites for Guardians of the Galaxy and the Lego Batman movie and I think I know who to format my site.
I have filmed some shots for the second trailer but time has gotten the better of me. So I am filming the rest of it on Monday or Tuesday, then editing it Tuesday and Wednesday, And that will be it.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Today I have accomplished a lot. I am almost done with the movie poster, which looks like a pizza box (as I said last time). I just need to take one more picture for it. I think it looks really good so far.
I also have started to edit my first trailer, the one with the hieroglyphics. I found a great royalty free instrumental song that works really well because it sounds like the background music of the part of a documentary that shows the world for the first time. All I have to do is input the voice over of the narrator.
At the start of the weekend I wasn't feeling very confident about my product, but now I feel pretty good because of the work I did today.
I also have started to edit my first trailer, the one with the hieroglyphics. I found a great royalty free instrumental song that works really well because it sounds like the background music of the part of a documentary that shows the world for the first time. All I have to do is input the voice over of the narrator.
At the start of the weekend I wasn't feeling very confident about my product, but now I feel pretty good because of the work I did today.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
So recently I have started the creation of the poster and filmed the parts of the first trailer where the writer is talking back to the narrator.
The poster is coming along pretty great! I have two designs that are close to completion I am just deciding on which one to use. The first one looks like a pizza box, with the name of the movie in place of the restaurant name. The second one is a picture of a table full of leftovers/ pizza boxes from a pizza party with the logo in the center of the picture.
The filming went okay. I just have to see how it will look when i put the voice over into it for the narrator.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Yesterday I started to record the voiceover for the narrator character in the first trailer and the beginning of the second. I am planning on recording more takes of the lines later today and also today I plan on filming the first trailer. This includes the scenes where the character is arguing with the narrator while he works on the script.
I have planned out my filming schedule for the rest of the week too. Tomorrow I plan on finishing the movie poster for the film and the website, Thursday and Friday I will be filming the second trailer and this filming session may run over into Saturday. Saturday will be the overflow day where I work on everything that I couldn't finish on the day I planed for it This day is also for finishing the website. Sunday to whenever I finish will be my editing time, my experience with editing should help move it along faster but I know it will still take a long time. After I finish editing, which should take two days, I will be filming my CCR and editing that which should take only one day.
So if all goes to plan I should be completely finished by Tuesday next week, but since I know there will be problems I will predict Wednesday.☺
I have planned out my filming schedule for the rest of the week too. Tomorrow I plan on finishing the movie poster for the film and the website, Thursday and Friday I will be filming the second trailer and this filming session may run over into Saturday. Saturday will be the overflow day where I work on everything that I couldn't finish on the day I planed for it This day is also for finishing the website. Sunday to whenever I finish will be my editing time, my experience with editing should help move it along faster but I know it will still take a long time. After I finish editing, which should take two days, I will be filming my CCR and editing that which should take only one day.
So if all goes to plan I should be completely finished by Tuesday next week, but since I know there will be problems I will predict Wednesday.☺
Friday, March 31, 2017
Today I looked at the script again and changed a few things. I changed the reason that the narrator is angry and most of the dialogue between the two characters. Now i have to create the last hieroglyph for the film,the unfinished one, and I want it to be depicting the Egyptians receiving pizza from aliens (it will make sense in context).
I have also started work on the poster for the film but I think that I need a better image for it so I am going to take a few more pictures to find the best one. And I have also decided that I am going to stick with the name Mile Marker 3.14 because we met in groups the other day and people thought that it was a good title and better than the other one I had come up with. And I drew what the title will look like. It is written as if it was written by hand with a marker.
I have also started work on the poster for the film but I think that I need a better image for it so I am going to take a few more pictures to find the best one. And I have also decided that I am going to stick with the name Mile Marker 3.14 because we met in groups the other day and people thought that it was a good title and better than the other one I had come up with. And I drew what the title will look like. It is written as if it was written by hand with a marker.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
For the past couple of days I have been working on the first trailer by drawing the ancient hieroglyphics of pizza. 
This is the first one I finished, it shows the three ancient ingredients in all their glory.( The yellow one is a cheese wheel, not Pac-man.) I have finished the first 5 panels and i think I am going to have the sixth one be the unfinished portrait in the trailer. They all depict an event that the narrator will talk about in the opening of the trailer.
This is the first one I finished, it shows the three ancient ingredients in all their glory.( The yellow one is a cheese wheel, not Pac-man.) I have finished the first 5 panels and i think I am going to have the sixth one be the unfinished portrait in the trailer. They all depict an event that the narrator will talk about in the opening of the trailer.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
I have completed the script/outline for my two trailers. For my first trailer i wanted to break all normal conventions of a trailer. This trailer opens with a narrator telling the story of ancient pizza. The visuals are ancient pictures ( cave drawings or other ancient pictures). Half way through his story we see that the main character of the film is not finished drawing the rest of the pictures, the rest of the trailer is the narrator arguing with the main character for wasting his time. Then the title card.
The second trailer is more traditional showing the plot of the movie and introducing characters. It will show the main character sucking at everything and then coming up with the idea with his friends and starting the trip.
Billy Canton. John Ford
Title: -------
Sub:It's Pizza Time!
(NOTE: every line can be changed while filming if the ad lined line is funnier.)
Trailer 1 ~
Cave drawings of the story with narrator being very serious, gets to the 5th image and sees that artist is still working on it.
Narrator: The round, circular disc of dough, tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese has been around since the dawn of the ancient Italians. They named it Pizza, after the late Pete Za, inventor of the….
Narrator: Excuse me ...what are you doing?
Billy: I'm finishing the drawings for (looks at script) the Pizza time movie trailer number 2.
Narrator: It's not done yet? (Billy shakes his head) well then why am I doing the VO for this trailer ( narrator gets angry) I just spent hours doing my vocal warm ups and preparing this amazing script about the history of pizza and its impact in today's society, I haven't even gotten to the story yet !!!; and you haven't finished yet! This is an outrage.
Billy: look mister i'll be done in a few hours if you just wanna wait.
Narrator: A few hours!!! No I'm going to call my agent ( phone starts to ring)
Title card
Narrator: (on phone) no he's not finished yet……. well what do you want me to do……(ad lib the rest )
Date of film opening
Trailer 2
The story
Narrator: Billy Canton was an ordinary kid who loved playing sports, Hanging out with friends and playing video games (footage of billy playing catch, with friends and Zelda);the only problem was that he sucked at all of them. ( billy gets hit with the ball, misses a hi five, and dies in zelda in a stupid way)
Music starts
( footage of adult figures being disappointed , coach, teacher, parent, friend)
Advisor: Look billy you need to accomplish something before you graduate you'll never get into college with this resume( holds up paper with Billy's name and a line that says achieved 6th place in the engineering competition) oh this one's fine, how many people were in that competition?
( picture of all six competitors )
Billy: ...oh I couldn't even remember there was so many people.
Friend: … what about becoming the world's strongest man
Friend: or the world's fastest man
Mom peeks around the corner: or get good grades in school…
All friends and billy look at mom with a confused face
Billy: I got it ( looks at pizza) I'm gonna break every record for eating the most pizza at every pizza place in Florida.
Friend: why Florida?
Billy: Gotta think small.
Opens door
John ( fake recorder) : I'm here representing the Pseudo record book to record your progress on your road to success ( reading of hand notes)
Billy: are you actually from the record company.?
John: What makes you say that?(Name tag starts to fall off revealing a logo for a store)
Billy: alright let's go
Text card: insert name
Billy eating a shit ton of pizza
Text card: insert other name
John: I just wanted free pizza!!!!
Text card: IN
Text card:----------: ITS PIZZA TIME
BIlly: I'm gonna be sick
Text card: date of opening
Sunday, March 19, 2017
The posters of comedy films generally follow a similar template where the main subject is centered and objects or other characters featured on the sides and there is almost always a joke. And the title is a big focus normally in the center or bottom of the image. I am thinking of a few names for the film: The Pizza Challenge, All Cheese Leads to Crust, The Last Slice( still thinking of more).For my poster I am thinking of a few different poses and scenes.
1. The poster illustrates the main character in the center holding a pizza box with the other characters behind him.
2. This poster shows a table that has a lot of empty pizza boxes and dirty plates showing that a lot of pizza has been eaten. Top down shot of the table.
Story Boarding
So I have started to storyboard the first trailer but I have run into some challenges. The first one is that when story boarding a comedy trailer I need to have the jokes in mind that I plan on using but without the script written it's hard to do. And to do the script I need to have a storyboard to flesh out the lines. I am going to start to write as I make the Storyboard now so I don't run not that problem. Another problem was the jokes, my target audience is teenagers (13-19) so I need to come up with jokes that they find funny and that connect with the story. I am probably going to spend a whole day writing comedic moments for the trailers and I'm sure I will film many takes with different jokes to get it right.
I was thinking of how I want my story to be conveyed through my trailer and I have come to the conclusion that I want the same kind of flow as the dead pool trailers, but not rated R and not about cancer. It starts of like a serious drama trailer but then it becomes a silly comedy one. I want to start my trailer off in a similar way where the main character if having a hard time, people are yelling at him, but when he thinks of the idea of the pizza challenge it starts to get into the silly humor of the film. The beginning of the Dead pool trailers are darker( as I said more dramatic) and then it gets brighter. I will want to follow this technique but to a small degree because my film is of a more light hearted tone.
I want my film and the audience to be fully aware of the stupid funny nature of the film and situation, I don't want people to leave thinking that it was stupid, I want them to think wow that was dumb but also really funny. I have chosen to create what I think is one of the hardest emotions to generate in an audience because good comedy relies so heavily on topical events funny situations and past experience of the audience member. I believe that I have created a funny situation and now as I write the script and storyboard I need to think about the audience and what they find funny.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Building my plot
We met in groups recently in class and I was given some really good ideas for the plot. One of these ideas was that the world Record recorder character be an imposter just trying to get free food. This character would come into the story by the main character imputing the wrong phone number for the World record company and instead calling the college dorm room of a student who should have graduated 2 years ago but is a super senior. When they meet, the imposter dresses like what he thinks a recorder looks like and tries to act serious so he doesn't get found out, but his real personality slips through a lot.
Also I have decided to change the name, previously Mile marker 3.14, because I think that the film as a whole does not relate too much to this one detail. I am still thinking of names and will probably think of them as I write the script.
Today I wanted to watch some comedy trailers in order to figure out how many jokes are in each trailer, how long they traditionally are, and how the trailers are timed in relation to each joke.( I do plan on watching a lot more trailers to get a better understanding of the genre.)
Most Comedy movie trailers last for 2:30 minutes for the first trailer and about 3:30 minuets for the second. this trailer for the lego batman movie has about 13 jokes in it. The First Deadpool trailer has around 12 jokes some being physical humor. this ted 2 trailer has about 16 jokes. So I plan to create my script with these joke conventions in mind, I am planing on doing around 12-14 jokes and these can be anything from verbal comedy to physical comedy.
The thing that all of the comedy trailers have in common is that in between all of the jokes there are parts that are supposed to tell you the plot (just a little bit) and they all start with a more serious tone (the first scene normally ends with a joke though).
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
MY IDEA: (TITLE:Mile Marker 3.14) Man{still thinking of a name for the main character} has not made any great accomplishments or any in his life. He is in his senior year of high school and decides that he wants to accomplish something great before he graduates. One night he is with his friends thinking about something for him to accomplish. They are looking through a world record book to decide, but most of the stuff in the book is to hard so he looks down at his pizza and decides that he is going to be the first person to eat the most pizza at every pizza place in Florida. His friends think he's crazy. He calls the record book company and asks them to send a recorded to document his journey. The rest of the film is about his journey with this recorder. Going to every pizza place in Florida and crazy hijinx occurs on their journey to the last pizza place in Florida, Mile Marker 3.14. (The joke is that the name of the PIzza Place is Mile marker 3.14 but he thinks that is where it is. It's called 3.14 because that is the number that pi represents and pizza in in the shape that you would use the number, a circle.)
TRAILER 1: he hasn't accomplished anything in his life (film of him failing at everything) his path to success.
TRAILER 2: his dream to eat all of the pizza, and his journey he must go on to accomplish this.
This year I have decided to create 2 Comedy film trailers for my project. I know that making a comedy is going to be hard because it has to be funny but I believe I can do it. I chose this because in order to create a good final product I need to be fully invested in my idea. Last year I was but I got carried away by the idea and in turned out sub par. Comedy films can be about any subject depending on the audience and I think that if I were to create a more serious film it would not turn out good because I wouldn't be as invested I am with comedy. Most comedies are not solely comedies they are combined with another genre. For example:Romantic comedy.
Slapstick: physical comedy, visual jokes that don't need to be understood just seen for comedic effect. (The mask, three stooges, Ace Ventura Pet detective.)
Screwball:combining slapstick and verbal comedy in a wacky film, mostly romantic comedy.
Dark: comedy focused on darker elements like death and war.Also sarcasm and illness. (Beetle juice)
Spoof: making fun of a well known piece. (Spaceballs, Young Frankenstein, Scream, Austin Powers.)
Other sub genres include: Teen films, Political Comedies, Parody, Family Comedies, Comedy Thrillers, and many more.
I will be doing more of a verbal comedy film, although it will use visual and auditory elements for comedic effect. The film won't try to be serious and I will try to create a film that is fully aware of what it wants to be.
Slapstick: physical comedy, visual jokes that don't need to be understood just seen for comedic effect. (The mask, three stooges, Ace Ventura Pet detective.)
Screwball:combining slapstick and verbal comedy in a wacky film, mostly romantic comedy.
Dark: comedy focused on darker elements like death and war.Also sarcasm and illness. (Beetle juice)
Spoof: making fun of a well known piece. (Spaceballs, Young Frankenstein, Scream, Austin Powers.)
Other sub genres include: Teen films, Political Comedies, Parody, Family Comedies, Comedy Thrillers, and many more.
I will be doing more of a verbal comedy film, although it will use visual and auditory elements for comedic effect. The film won't try to be serious and I will try to create a film that is fully aware of what it wants to be.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
This is a link to my AICE Media studies AS level project blog.
I have decided to create a new blog for A level because I was not very happy about how last years project turned out and I want a clean slate for this project.
This is a link to my AICE Media studies AS level project blog.
I have decided to create a new blog for A level because I was not very happy about how last years project turned out and I want a clean slate for this project.
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